About us
The Scottish EUPATI National Platform (ENP) will focus on understanding the Scottish landscape for patient involvement and bring together local partners and stakeholders who are interested in improving patient involvement in medicines research and development.
EUPATI Scotland’s main priorities for 2021 are:
- Empower patients, unpaid carers and the public to work in partnership with key stakeholders to be effective advocates, advisors and contributors in medicines research and development;
- Establish EUPATI Scotland as a significant collaboration between patient organizations, academia and the pharmaceutical industry to deliver effective timely patient and public involvement within medicines research and development in Scotland;
We will achieve this by:
- Grow the stakeholder network;
- Assist EUPATI in the wider dissemination of educational material;
- Set up a EUPATI Scotland Advisory Group;
- Roll out EUPATI training materials via online webinars;
- Organise events and other public information campaigns;
- Serve as focal point for local inquiries and coordination of requests for patient experts and events.

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